Prefer to read than watch? Then read on Hello, everyone. My name is Carolyn Childs, and I am the CEO of and a futurist and strategist. This blog piece has been edited from the video transcript to flow as a written document, but we have not changed the key points. We all love a good trend ... Now, one thing about this time of year: sort of back end of one year and the start of the next, is we see a LOT of content that comes out about hot trends. And I'm going to talk to you about that because I'm pleading guilty, I've … [Read more...]
What’s keeping the tourism industry awake at night? Survey
A time of exceptional challenge - and opportunity - for tourism It is likely that this is the most challenging time the global travel and tourism industry has faced. But times of crisis can also be times of incredible opportunity and also be a crucible for innovation. Finding the right innovation requires a deep understanding of where the pain points are. We'd like to know your pain points So and The B Hive are trying to understand how local government, Regional and Local Tourism Associations/DMOS are navigating the … [Read more...]
Our International Toilet Tourism Awards – Now Open
When it comes to toilets, you just have to time it right. That's why we have new timings for our International Toilet Tourism Awards (ITTA). Now in their 3rd year, the awards celebrate the world’s best destination toilets by recognising their role in attracting visitors and providing vital economic support to communities. Previous winners have included Dunnies with a Difference from Queensland, Australia and the James Bond Loo in Piz Gloria, Switzerland. New dates, new partner The new date is timed to celebrate the Awards’ Partnership with … [Read more...]
Why it’s time to dump the ‘key ratings demographic’
Economic power is not where marketers think it is A few days ago, Mumbrella Asia published an article summarising a keynote by Ad Contrarian Bob Hoffman’. In it, Hoffman questioned why marketers are fixated on a youth demographic when women over 50 control 95% of household expenditure. The statistics on this generation should be a marketer’s dream. Not only is the Baby Boomer cohort large, it’s disproportionately wealthy. The US Boomer generation on its own constitutes the third largest economy in the world (if it were a country only US and … [Read more...]
7 Key Tourism Marketing Principles to Stick To
Standing on the 'stand on the shoulders of giants'. Over the years, I've been privileged to work with or learn from some of the great minds in tourism marketing. In particular, I've learned a great deal from my former business partner Bronwyn White over the years. She's introduced me to some great gurus including Neil Patel, thus making our business more resilient as I take on this element. Thanks to this I read this fabulous piece where he outlines his 34 principles of marketing. If you've read my blog on strategy earlier, you'll know I'm … [Read more...]
Paris Syndrome vs. Nashville Syndrome in tourism
Paris Syndrome: Sometimes we need to be careful what we wish for When I conducted a long-term brand tracking studies in both the airline industry and for destinations and destination marketing, I noticed that the Japanese consistently rated everything to do with France very positively. For many Japanese people France, and particularly Paris, form an ideal of a destination – representing civilisation, beauty and culture. But when Japanese people visit Paris, some suffer a severe disappointment. Real life Paris is grittier and … [Read more...]
The Whys and How of Regional Branding
In this guest posting, our intern from the US Angelina Colone reflects on what she’s learned about regional branding during her time with us If you don't already have a brand - it's time to get one Currently, encouraging growth in regional travel is a hot topic around the world – especially as many iconic destinations face the risk of over-tourism. In Australia, it is high on the political agenda, but Visit Britain has launched a campaign to drive regional dispersal. At we have focused on this idea for a while (for … [Read more...]
The Evolution of Tourism Marketing: Artificial Intelligence in Tourism
The term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ is as amazing and technologically advanced as it sounds. We have been hearing it for years in movies and documentaries, but now artificial intelligence is present in the real world and is affecting our everyday lives and the evolution of tourism marketing. This extends through to tourism marketing and the travel and tourism industry in general. I tackled this topic recently at our successful Tourism Marketing Convention, together with my co-director Carolyn Childs and our clients. We discussed the development … [Read more...]
How tourism businesses can profit in our ‘post truth’ world
In 2016, a new word entered the English language: post-truth. In fact, it was Oxford Dictionaries’ word of the year. It reflected the idea ‘objective’ facts no longer matter as much as what we believe is true based on what ‘ought’ to be true. Actually, this is the culmination of many years of psychological research in which we understood that consumers fit things into a narrative they already have. One common cognitive bias is what’s called confirmation bias: that we are more likely to believe things that confirm what we already thought than … [Read more...]
Is your tourism business ready for a seismic shift in demographics?
Pick your metaphor: Demographic tsunami or seismic shift . Whatever you choose, the largest shifts in demographics we may ever have seen are coming to your key markets. The overlap between demographics and generations that govern most marketing assumptions (e.g. that Millennials are Youth travellers) are changing. Whatever demographics you target, be it Baby Boomers, Millennials, Gen Z or Chinas 90s kids, you need to understand what is about to happen. To help you understand the implications, has worked with PATA to … [Read more...]